From the Desert Southwest Conference

Communications from the Desert Southwest Conference of the United Methodist Church, including the South District.

Next Steps Desert Southwest Conference

May 5, 2019

Dear Friends,

The Connectional Ministries Office has been receiving a number of requests for information about how people can learn more and participate in the denomination wide conversation after General Conference 2019 about what it means to be a United Methodist, a globally connected church, missionally and contextually relevant in our diverse and unique settings, and faithful to the call of Jesus Christ as we follow as disciples.

Many things are happening as new movements form and previous communities and associations wrestle with the question of how and if we can all still “be the United Methodist Church together”.  The Connectional Ministries Office would like to invite you to a few events and offer some information regarding what is happening now and next.

Methodism has always been a movement shaped and molded by participation and practice.  All of the input offered in these sessions will feed directly into the group going to UMC Next, into preparation for Annual Conference, and into work at the jurisdictional and general church level.  The church is all of us practicing discipleship in local churches and communities, the most important way to be involved right now is your ministry in the local church as teachers, volunteers, listeners, prayers, givers, and passionate disciples of Jesus Christ.  For more information about how to be involved, please ask your pastor or Lay Leader!

Yours in service,

Rev. Beth Rambikur
Director of Connectional Ministries, The Desert Southwest Conference